Rolling Code Duplicator vs. Fixed Code: Which is Safer?




In the world of security systems, rolling code duplicators and fixed codes are two popular methods used to secure access to buildings, vehicles, and other valuable assets. The primary purpose of these codes is to protect against unauthorized access and ensure safety. However, there has been an ongoing debate among security experts about which method, rolling code or fixed code, is safer. In this article, we will explore the differences between rolling code duplicators and fixed codes, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and determine which method offers superior safety.

1. The Evolution of Security Codes:

Security codes have come a long way since their inception. Early security systems utilized fixed codes, which are a set of pre-programmed numbers that remain constant over time. Fixed codes were widely used due to their simplicity and ease of implementation. However, as technology advanced and became more prevalent, the need for enhanced security became evident.

2. Understanding Rolling Codes:

Rolling codes, also known as hopping codes or variable codes, revolutionized the security industry. Unlike fixed codes, rolling codes generate a new code each time the system is activated. This dynamic characteristic makes it extremely difficult for potential intruders to decipher the code, providing an added layer of security. Rolling codes typically utilize algorithms and synchronization techniques between the transmitter and receiver to ensure successful code transmission.

3. Advantages of Rolling Code Duplicators:

Rolling code duplicators offer several advantages over fixed codes. Firstly, the constantly changing nature of rolling codes makes them highly resistant to code grabbers, which are devices that intercept and record the transmitted code for later unauthorized use. Additionally, rolling code systems provide greater convenience as they eliminate the need to manually program the code each time a new code is generated. The automatic synchronization between the transmitter and receiver ensures a seamless and secure experience.

4. Drawbacks of Rolling Code Duplicators:

Despite their enhanced security, rolling code duplicators are not without their drawbacks. One key concern is the possibility of code synchronization failure, which can occur due to a variety of reasons such as signal interference or weak batteries in the transmitter or receiver. These issues can lead to accessibility problems, leaving the user locked out of their property until the synchronization is restored. Additionally, rolling code systems tend to be more complex and costly to implement compared to fixed code systems.

5. The Reliability of Fixed Codes:

Fixed codes have been used extensively in the past and continue to be utilized in certain situations. One of the advantages of fixed codes is their simplicity. As fixed codes do not change, there is no need for synchronization or complex algorithms. This makes them reliable and straightforward to implement. Additionally, fixed code systems tend to be less expensive compared to rolling code duplicators.

6. Vulnerabilities of Fixed Codes:

One significant vulnerability of fixed codes is that they can be easily intercepted and copied by code grabbers. Once an intruder obtains the fixed code, they can gain unauthorized access without any difficulty. Moreover, since fixed codes remain constant, if the code falls into the wrong hands, it becomes virtually impossible to change it without replacing the entire system. This lack of flexibility and inherent security risks make fixed codes more susceptible to breaches.


In the battle between rolling code duplicators and fixed codes, there is no doubt that rolling codes offer superior security. With their constantly changing nature and resilience against code grabbers, rolling codes provide an effective deterrent against unauthorized access. Although rolling codes may have some drawbacks such as synchronization issues and higher implementation costs, the overall safety they provide is worth the investment. Fixed codes, on the other hand, are inexpensive and simple to implement but lack the necessary security measures to protect against modern threats. Moving forward, it is crucial for security system manufacturers and users to prioritize safety and opt for rolling code duplicators to safeguard their assets effectively.


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